Friday, October 24, 2008

will potty 4 pumpkins...

Addy told me this morning that she had to poopoo...I haven't been taking the whole potty training business very seriously because I feel like she is still so young, so I waited too long and she pooped in her diaper (oops). When I tried to change her, she said "no diaper mommy, panties". So, the adventure begins...she picked out some panties from her bottom drawer before naptime. I was in my room while she was in her bed. She kept getting up to pick out different pairs of panties, and then she would take hers off and bring me the new pair to put on her (she gets her indecision from me). However, at one point she went to the bathroom and peed in her big girl potty...what?? really?? how could it be?? I wasn't even in there to cheer her on! Her first word after peeing was "treat". I had to think fast, so I remembered the candy pumpkins I picked up at Hobby Lobby pumpkin for peepee, two for poopoo. And there you have it...let the training begin!

The treat:


karen said...

Got a good chuckle out of that one. Way to be creative, Jen. Too bad my kids hate those pumpkins or I would use them as bribing material. Which means I've eaten the entire 4 pound bag. Swell. Like Iowa I hope?

Anonymous said...

That is so hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi is sooooo proud of my little punkin!!!!!!!Love,Mom AKA"Mimi

STACEY said...


Ashley said...

Sounds like she is off to a great start. What a smart girl!

The Miedema-Familia said...

That is the cutest picture ever- I love the authentic look of that sign!