Monday, March 9, 2009

sick, sick, sick

I am sick. It started as a cold, but now I am achy and tired, and I couldn't even stand up in the shower this morning without feeling like I had to puke. I was literally seeing stars until I finally just sat down in the shower and let the water run on my back. This is horrible! I am NEVER sick! Never ever! And I sure was never sick during my other two pregnancies. I just hope my little munchkin handles the stress ok! And keep my other two in your thoughts today, because those poor babies are being neglected. I haven't been able to get off the couch all morning! Aubrey even made breakfast! Of course, they want to be right next to me, so I hope they don't end up getting sick too!


Anonymous said...

PLEASE get better before I get there!!!!!!!!!!!!! And please don't get my girlies sick!!!!!!
I am sooooo's only three more days!!!I love ya'll!!
Mom "Mimi"

Ashley said...

I hope you are feeling better quickly! Take care of yourself and get some rest (if you can)!