Tuesday, February 3, 2009

yay for Tuesday night TV

I'm a dork, I know...but year after year I tune into:

It's awesome.

But, I'm even more excited about TLC's new series, Toddlers and Tiaras...one of the moms last week was from Temple!! Now, I'm not one to judge other people and what they choose for their children, but check out this picture:

I am already freaking out about raising teenage daughters in a society that puts so much emphasis on appearance. I couldn't imagine actually teaching them to be that way at such a young age. That being said, I am for pageants as a way to increase self-awareness and confidence, but I just feel like a child should be old enough to choose whether or not they are interested in that activity. However, I'm glad people put their kids in pageants so I can watch some awesome reality TV! I can't believe these moms have this much energy to devote to their little princesses! I mean, I love my kids, but just finding them matching outfits in the morning wears me out! :)

With all that said, it just makes this picture so much more hilarious:

me, circa 1981

Happy Tuesday!

Oh, and check out that ticker in the margin...LESS than 5 months till we move back to TEXAS!!


Ashley said...

I've seen the preview for this show and it looks to be interesting.

I love the picture of you! I did an child pagaent, too. I think Kody may have even done it with me. The difference is that our parents did it for fun. The parents on this show seem crazy... spray tanning, full-on makeup with false eyelashes, talent coordinators, fake teeth, and the list goes on and on! This stuff is too much for these young girls.

STACEY said...

How cute are you!!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer -

Love the pic of you. I actually remember when you looked like that and your mom used to stick matching bows on your head with Karo Syrup!! You were a beautiful baby and are an even more beautiful lady!
