Is it already Tuesday? My brother, Kody, and sister-in-law, Candice, arrived here Thursday night. We had an awesome weekend, but it went by WAY too fast! They left yesterday afternoon, much to the disappointment of my children!! Aubrey said she was already feeling lonely this morning (it doesn't help that her mommy is a hermit). Anyway, I am one tired mama these days, so my blogging has been replaced by naptime most afternoons. Here are a few pics to keep you entertained:
We spent Friday doing the typical touristy stuff in Iowa City...aka, driving out to Kalona to gawk at the Amish...not in a bad way, just in a completely fascinated, "I can't believe they live like this" way...
We visited the Kalona Bakery, and FINALLY found donuts worth eating!! YAY!!

we visited the Amish run community store out in the country and bought fresh eggs and couple little toys for the girls...

and Kody tried on a hat...

Then we headed to the Amana Colonies for lunch at the Ox Yoke Inn...this is one of the only pictures of Dave and me, so forgive me for no make-up and greasy hair...I'm exhausted people!

We then decided to head to Chicago Friday night since it was supposed to snow Saturday morning...there are a lot of pictures from Chicago, but here are a few of my favorites...
Eating at Giordano's...check out Addy in the background...she was WAY into her pizza!

Just a cute picture of Kody and Candice with the girls (NONE of the pictures of the girls with Dave and myself turned out this good!!)

On Sunday, we headed to the Shedd Aquarium. We watched Spongebob in 4-D (always a good time), saw a dog show, and managed to get a picture of the whole group that was just as good as the one they were charging 20 bucks for at the place...Addy wasn't looking in that one either!

It was a great weekend, and I am currently taking volunteers for visitors...I, like my eldest daughter, am feeling a bit lonely. :)