Friday, May 7, 2010


6 bedrooms means that one is now a playroom. It is AWESOME! Not quite finished yet, but here is a pic of the work in progress. My mom and I painted the wall.

This is what happens when you leave Adelyn alone with the costume bin...

and this is what happens when you leave her alone in the playroom...a perfect example of why it is taking me so long to get the house decorated...

Today was a GREAT day! Aubrey's kindergarten music program this morning and Mother's Day Tea at Adelyn's school. I love my sweet babies and I am truly blessed. They make me smile every single day! Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Sawatzky family said...

So thankful to see a play room as messy as ours! lol And by play room I mean our entire house ha!
Great job on the painting so bright and cheery :)