Addy waiting in line for a ride (trying hard not to hang on that bar in front of her)
Addy was blowing me a kiss...
Honking the horn on a big rig...
Addy was catching some zzzz's, so Aubrey and Dave rode a mini-rollercoaster...
Riding high in a balloon...
On the train...choo, choo!
Getting ready for the ride...
This is sooo much fun!!!
When we got to the hotel Saturday night, I took the girls swimming while Dave walked back to the mall to get us Subway. I was pleased that Addy was scared of the water, and kept clinging to me saying she was going to drown. That is a big improvement from previous trips where she has just walked into water without even thinking about what might happen. Note this picture from October where I had to fish her out in my jeans...
Anyway, after a swim, a sandwich, and a bath...they were out. And so were their parents!
On the way home yesterday, we took a detour so we could drive through Montrose, Minnesota...
Now for an update on little squirt. This was my 16 week belly on Wednesday, but I am pretty sure it doubled in size over the weekend...
Everything is fine, but tomorrow will make the third week in a row that I have to visit the doctor. Tomorrow I get to walk in the hospital with a huge jug of blood pressure has been high the first time they take it for the past couple of weeks, but I kept telling them that it's because I'm bringing my 2year old to the appointments with me! It always goes down after a few minutes, but they are checking it again tomorrow, along with my pee. I can't wait. My ultrasound appointment is May 12, so stay tuned to see if Dave was right!
We want to take our littles to the Mall of America this summer yet! We are about 8 hours by car so it will be a trip but I think they wil really enjoy it. Looks like you guys sure did! :)
I love the girls matching outfits very sweet!
Shelly and gang
Oh my....they looked like they had a blast!!!!Aubrey is soooo cute in that pic with Dave on the roller coaster where she is laughing.....
and the pic where Aubrey and Addy have their hands in the air is priceless!!!! Addy looks a little unsure if she is doing the right thing!!!I can't wait to give you guys date nights as often as you want!!!Love,Mom "Mimi"
Great pictures! I love the one of the girls where Addy is blowing you a kiss.
I hope your blood pressure is better at tomorrow's appointment. I can't wait for the May 12th results!
Great Amusment park pictures. I love love love the mall of America!!!! I could live there.
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