Sunday, August 3, 2008

Minnesota or bust

Dave finished his first month of fellowship (and call) on Thursday, so he took off Friday and we hit the road to Minnesota! Our main destination was the Mall of America (Aubrey thought it was the Mall of American Idol), but the most relaxing part of the trip was the actual drive. The mall was SO crowded, and the girls weren't into being pushed around in a stroller when there was so much going on around them. It was cool to see, but we probably won't return until the girls enter their teenage years! The best part was the Nickelodean theme park rides in the center of the mall. Addy wanted to ride the "yeehaw" (translation:carousel), and Aubrey was tall enough to ride most of the other rides. The experience was pretty good overall, and looking on the bright side, having the girls did save us a lot of money...I wasn't able to hit up the Nordstrom anniversary sale because I was too busy chasing them around. :)


Is it just me, or does Aubrey look super tall in this picture? Has my baby really gotten that big?

These pictures are proof that I do exist:

Aubrey enjoying some rides:

Addy pissed because she wasn't tall enough for those rides:

Dessert at the end of the night, a brownie volcano from Rainforest Cafe:

Making the girls earn their keep:

The ending to a long day:



Anonymous said...

Man, you guys gotta quit making fellowship look fun... Willie and I might get some crazy ideas. :)

STACEY said...

This was too cute! So funny! Love the Mall of American Idol!

Anonymous said... we can see some of Dave in Aubrey......those legs are exactly like his legs!!!!!
Lucky little girl!!!!Love,Mom