Addy waiting in line for a ride (trying hard not to hang on that bar in front of her)
Addy was blowing me a kiss...
Honking the horn on a big rig...
Addy was catching some zzzz's, so Aubrey and Dave rode a mini-rollercoaster...
Riding high in a balloon...
On the train...choo, choo!
Getting ready for the ride...
This is sooo much fun!!!
When we got to the hotel Saturday night, I took the girls swimming while Dave walked back to the mall to get us Subway. I was pleased that Addy was scared of the water, and kept clinging to me saying she was going to drown. That is a big improvement from previous trips where she has just walked into water without even thinking about what might happen. Note this picture from October where I had to fish her out in my jeans...
Anyway, after a swim, a sandwich, and a bath...they were out. And so were their parents!
On the way home yesterday, we took a detour so we could drive through Montrose, Minnesota...
Now for an update on little squirt. This was my 16 week belly on Wednesday, but I am pretty sure it doubled in size over the weekend...
Everything is fine, but tomorrow will make the third week in a row that I have to visit the doctor. Tomorrow I get to walk in the hospital with a huge jug of blood pressure has been high the first time they take it for the past couple of weeks, but I kept telling them that it's because I'm bringing my 2year old to the appointments with me! It always goes down after a few minutes, but they are checking it again tomorrow, along with my pee. I can't wait. My ultrasound appointment is May 12, so stay tuned to see if Dave was right!