Aubrey, Aubrey, Aubrey...such a complex little four year old. She always seems to be thinking something, yet she doesn't talk to herself like Daddy (I say yet). She is so aware of people and emotions, and I suspect her stomachache over the past few days has been a result of being homesick. She really misses her family and friends. She also misses her pet fish, Nemo, who unfortunately went "belly up" and took a ride in the porcelain throne to heaven a couple of days ago. Thank goodness we found her escaped crab, Crabella, to lessen the blow. Anyway, the boredom has officially set in...I may get pretty good at photography by the year's end...
Movie Review: The Last Showgirl
5 weeks ago
Oh good! Yea!! I’m adding you to my blog, too. The girls are just too cute! Love it!
Michael was very happy to see his friends on the computer today! He is always asking for Aubrey! Glad to see the girls are just as cute as they were a month ago.
Embrace photography! Embrace new recipes! Embrace new ways to kill those stinking bugs, but don't let boredom set in! It's going to be a great year- the girls are adorabl!
I'm telling you ......she is model material!!!!!!Love,Mom
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