Dave and I spent the weekend in El Paso at my friend, Marissa's, wedding. I had a great time catching up with my old TTU buddies and meeting some awesome new people. I love weddings! Congrats Riss, I love you!
Movie Review: The Last Showgirl
5 weeks ago
Hey Watkins :)
Small world my mom is from ElPaso born and raised in the Lone Star State! I myself lived there with my family for two years I went to the brand new (at the time) Franklin High home of the cougers on the west side. Just thought I would share that "interesting" tidbit with ya'll LOL
Have a blessed day!
Michelle and gang!
Well me again,I was goiong through my list of blogs that I like to read and had to leave a comment about your new color! I am trying to leave more comments on the blogs I read even if I personally don't know the person becasue today I learned that people who check blogs regularly and don't leave comments are referred to as "lurkers" and that just sounds creepy and so to ensure that I do not become one I am leaving this way to long comment on your site! ;) hehehehe
God Bless
Michelle and gang
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