Oh little Blake man, you are a mess. Literally. You usually need a bath by about noon. You turned 18 months on April 1 and you are into everything!
The pantry is your favorite room in the house. You are quite the ham and you give a VERY cheesy smile when I pull out the camera.
You tell everyone you see "hi" at the top of your lungs and then "bye" when we are leaving a place. Strangers usually get a kick out of that when we are out shopping. You love balls or anything that resembles one. You proved to be quite the car rider on our Spring Break road trip to Colorado. You did puke on the way there and on the way back, but it didn't seem to bother you much. You usually just watch whatever DVD your sisters have picked out. We're working on their selection. I know it won't be long before you are sick of princess movies...
I can tell already that you love your big sisters. You kinda get on Adelyn's nerves a bit, but I think y'all will be big buds when you can talk. Aubrey thinks you are so hilarious and cute.
Your favorite word is "baw-baw" for bottle, even though you've been drinking out of a sippy cup for a while now. You have strong opinions about your sippy cup. I gave you one with a hard lid the other day and you cried and kept saying "baw-baw, baw-baw" until I figured out you wanted the Nuby kind with the soft lid. You will not sit in a cart or a high chair. I strap you in and somehow you wiggle your way out and stand up. It makes me so nervous! You love to be outside. When you blow kisses, it melts my heart. You make our family feel complete and we couldn't imagine life without such a precious little boy.
I love you, Blake Matthew Watkins.
Movie Review: The Last Showgirl
5 weeks ago